Get Involved

Get Involved and Help Fund Progress
Continuing Paulie’s mission starts with you. Thanks to dedicated, passionate individuals and organizations, our foundation is already funding crucial research in the fight to end childhood cancer. Every dollar makes
a difference, and there are multiple ways to show support.

Donate by Shopping #PaulieStrong
Display your PaulieStrong pride with stylish shirts, caps and activewear from our clothing shop. Wearing this gear helps spread awareness for our cause, and a portion of all proceeds will directly benefit our foundation.

March LEGO Drive
Each year, during the month of March, The PaulieStrong Foundation honors Paul’s birthday by holding a LEGO Drive for Kids With Cancer. We deliver new, unopened LEGO sets to the department of pediatrics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. LEGO was Paul’s favorite toy and he spent countless hours building and letting his imagination run wild. LEGO sets are in very high demand for kids undergoing cancer treatments because they allow the children to briefly take their mind off of the painful treatments they are undergoing while fighting for their lives. Because of the reduced immune system of a child fighting cancer, new, unopened LEGOS are a must. Please consider donating a new LEGO set to The PaulieStrong Foundation In March.
Please consider donating a new Lego set to the #PaulieStrong Foundation

Become a Sponsor
To learn more about sponsoring future PaulieStrong events and fundraising offers,please fill our the following form.